Update 22 Jan, Freya instance, its quests and some more changes.

This time the main update is Freya Ice Queen instance, we know some people have been waiting for, so here you go!
- Fixed 51 skills (mostly item skills)
- Chimera Celtus now drops 5 Contained Life Forces using Magic bottle, as it should be.
- Enabled Item Auction.
- Fixed a bug where the MP regen bonus for +6 Heavy armor sets was not applied properly.
- Changed min players requeriment of SoD from 36 to 18.
- Implemented Black Frozen Core item and skill.
- Implemented Freya Normal and Hard instances.
- Quests implemented
- Acquisition Of Divine Sword
- Meeting Sirra
- Reunion with Sirra
- Story Of Those Left
We hope you enjoy Freya and all these updates!
Tue, 01/22/2013 - 11:10
everytime i launch game i get
everytime i launch game i get crash report....... after patch
Tue, 01/22/2013 - 15:11
I'm pretty sure there is no
I'm pretty sure there is no related to the update.
What exactly happens? After login? In server selection? After enter to the world?
If you tell me your char name I can reset your position.
Tue, 01/22/2013 - 23:45
not even after login..when i
not even after login..when i launch game and it pops up "freya icon" before login screen game crashes
Wed, 01/23/2013 - 10:29
Your problem has been solved.
Your problem has been solved.