The Clan Package is a system to encourage new players to bring their friends or clans to start in the server. It basically help new players to get their clan to level 7 and points to get basic clan skills more easily, so they can start competing with other clans much earlier.
What does the Clan Package system yields to the clan and their members?
The level of the clan will increase to level 7.
The clan will get 40,000 reputation points.
Each member of the clan that applied for the Clan Package will get a basic starter pack including:
- One character level 80 and 300,000,000 SP.
- Full Moirai set and an Icarus Weapon.
x5000 Event - Apiga.
x10 Revita-Pop.
x10 Vitality Maintaining Potion (10 Minutes).
x5 Vitality Maintaining Potion (30 Minutes).
Which are the requirements to apply for the Clan Package?
The clan must have at least 8 members and every member has to write an introduction here. The individual presentation post must cointain:
Name of your main character:
How did you hear about L2Vanir:
Any other information you want to share:
You also need to introduce your clan here, the thread tittle must have [Clan Package] tag followed by the name of the clan to be valid, and must contain the following information:
Tittle of the thread: [Clan Package] Name of the clan.
Clan Name:
Clan Level:
Clan Leader:
Clan Crest: (optional)
Clan Member(s): Name in-game and the link of their introduction posts in the forums.
A brief introduction about your clan:
A screenshot of your clan with all members (optional)
Rules and things to take into account:
All 8 members must be individual human beings, if the GMs find something suspicious like if you're using the same IP (If you share connection you must tell us) you won't be eligible for the Clan Package.
To be elegible the account must be created within 30 days prior applying for the Clan Package.
The clan leader will be the responsible of the Clan Package process.
If we deem you to be abusing this system, you will be punished.