

Some changes on the website, credits, points and characters

We have done a website update regarding donations and rewards.

When you make a donation now you get credits on the website and then you can send them to the account you choose and get Golden Apiga.
The same happens with the rewards, now when you vote you get some points and when you get at least 400 you can send them to the account you choose to get Event Apiga.

The ratio conversion is 1:1
1 Credit = 1 Golden Apiga
1 Point = 1 Event Apiga

Also now you can see your characters from your profile and transfer them between accounts for Credits.

Web improvements, create new game accounts from your web account and merge accounts

We are happy to announce a few web improvements.

Now you can create new ingame accounts without registrating another one. By going to your account section. You now can manage the passwords of all your ingame accounts from one web account. Notice that your web account is still a game account and will be called your Master account. We strongly advice you to NEVER reveal or share this password with anyone.

L2Vanir now on Google+

We are glad to announce our Google+ page.

You can follow us on clicking here and click to follow button or from the front page.


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