
Inspectors soul harmony skill

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Starva's picture
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Inspectors soul harmony skill


Recently, playing as inspector, I noticed that soul harmony skill is getting cancelled when you are attacked. That is not retail-like skill effect. On retail servers skill lasts 15sec or till u cancel it by alt+click, and hitting the skill user shouldnt cancel skill effect. That makes very big diffrence in game and I hope you fix it soon.

[spoiler]Hope my broken engrish wasnt a problem.[/spoiler]

Reno's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Hello Panic,
Soul Harmony is working exactly like it did in retail Freya. If you are attacked whilest the buff is active it will remove the buff. This skill/buff is different to the other 4 party buffs that the inspector learns. Magic Impulse, Appettite of Destruction, Vampiric Impulse and Protection instinct are all buffs that increase a players stats whilest fighting. Soul Harmony is more of an out of combat skill used to quickly replenish party members MP, Identical to invocation learnt by Healing classes.

I hope this helps.


Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Sorry, but i can't agree to it. Friend of mine played on official server as inspector subclass (i ve seen it) and this buff wasnt removed by attack or abnormal state (like desert heat on HB). Also I talk about it on many L2 community boards, where L2ru players agreed and confirmed that it is right skill effect.
I know that the idea of this skill was mp regen beyond the combat, but many players use this skill in offensive way, becouse skill is not cancelled by attack.
If forum mods Knows Polish language, i can link some threads about insp/judi about offensive way of this skill where L2ru players talk about it.

Regards Panic

Aka Starvation

Reno's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

If you read the description of the skill in Freya, it is as follows : "Empathizes with the souls of party members for 15 seconds to recover 200mp per second, Decreases Pdef by 90%, and become unable to act". Maybe this skill was edited after the Freya patch, but this is exactly how it should work in Freya. As i mentioned above, the skill is the equivilant to a healers Invocation, and will be removed upon receiving any form of damage.


Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Yes, I know that this skill is a party invo, but still - this skill worked diffrent on offical server. I dont know why are you quotoeing skill description of it, especially that inspector skill descriptions are totally messed up by NCsoft - Whatever, it still doesnt say nothing about cancellation of skill effect. And it still doesnt change fact, that NCsoft decided to this skill to work this way.

Aka Starvation

Starva's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Revieving topic: Im still waiting to make this skill retail-like. Reno was totally ignoring this issue, for no reason (his opinion that NCsoft meant to make this skill work this way was senseless) and i hope this time skill will be repaired.

Aka Starvation

Starva's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Ah, another thing: because of this bug, its unable to use Soul harmony at chimeras (auto cancel)

Aka Starvation

Sekai's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

This skill is removed after recieving damage, it's similar to Invocation "Is Removed on Damage: true" the problem is that is not said at the description, NCSoft always sucked on descriptions.

Here's the prof

By the way, is the same skill as Invocation but for Inspector, it has sense that both skills get canceled when damage is taken.

Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

But L2j isnt retail-like, or is?

Aka Starvation

Sterling's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

Soul Harmony is a party wide Invocation, and works exactly like it does, except that is gives MP to more than just the user.

There's no other way for us to say the same thing.

Sekai's picture
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Re: Inspectors soul harmony skill

L2OFF and L2J comes like the retail version, then you can edit some features. But the main problem is that some things can be bugged/not implemented but Inspector's Soul Harmony works the same as in the retail servers.