
Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post, or more!

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Ignis's picture
Last seen: 3 days 15 hours ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post, or more!

As the server is just starting we encourage players to advertise it, you can make threads advertising L2Vanir and comment positively some threads that actually exist on any website of your choice that is referred to Lineage 2, mmorpg or just online games.

The idea is basically that players advertise the server in order to get easily some cool rewards.

1.- New Thread

By making a thread advertising L2Vanir you will get 2,500 Event - Apiga

The idea is simple, you must make a new thread in a forum related to games, Lineage 2 or mmorpg using our template (select all and copy, then make a new post in your selected forum and paste it)

Subject: [Freya 10x] L2Vanir, your Lineage II server
Body: We use BBC code

You can't make a new thread in these forums because we already do it:

Rules por for posting a new thread:

  • You must use the template above, but you can translate if you want to post in non English forum, but not needed.
  • You can make a new thread in non English forum since this server is international.
  • You must follow the rules of that forum.
  • You cannot make a new thread in one of the forums listed above because we already do it.
  • You can't make a new thread in a forum which other user already did. (So pay attention before creating a new thread)

2.- Positive comment

By commenting a positive review in any L2Vanir thread you will get 500 Event - Apiga

You can make a one comment in each of our posts: (500 Event Apiga each comment, only one by forum)

NOTE: You can also comment on a thread made by another user, 500 Event Apiga as well.

Rules for posting a positively good comment:

  • You can post in each of all our posts, listed above.
  • You must follow the rules of that forum.
  • You can comment more than once in each forum but you only will get rewarded for one.
  • You can make a comment on a thread made by another user (So pay attention in this thread comments)

How to proceed

You must comment this thread with your char name and all links showing your posts and threads, also your forum username in each case. You can edit your comment or do another in order to add more links to posts you did on other forums.

The three that acquire more Event Apiga, will get the following as well:

  • +15,000 Event - Apiga. (In addition from what you already win.)
  • 30 Vitality Maintaining Potion (10 minutes).

If you want to do some advertising but in another way, tell us and we can give you some special rewards depending on it.

This event will be active for 2 weeks starting from the 1th of February to the 15th of February.

All rewards will be given on 15th of February and you could obtain from event rewards NPC.

Current Ranking

  1. Hrist: 22,000 Event Apiga (1 comment and 1 posts deleted due to rule violation, maxcheaters thread not counted and taringa thread is not L2Vanir)
  2. Jana: 5,000 Event Apiga
  3. Raphal: 5,000 Event Apiga (6 posts deleted due to rule violation)
  4. Chisen: 500 Event Apiga

Chisen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2012 - 09:41
Re: Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post,...
So far I commented here. Might update later with new links ;)
Char name: Chisen.

Chisen Eva Saint

Jana's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/01/2012 - 14:32
Re: Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post,...

Please note my forum name will always be Jana19

Date: 03/02/2013

I have posted a positive comment in the following forum post.

I have posetd a positive comment in the following forum post

I have posted a positive comment in the following forum post.

I have posted a postiive comment in the following forum post.

I have posted a positive comment in the following forum post.

I have posted a new Thread at the below link.  Please note the forum would not permit links so i had to remove the image & links and alter where to find the game.

Character Name: Jana

ale150's picture
Last seen: 12 years 5 days ago
Joined: 12/22/2012 - 10:01
Re: Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post,...
Vulture's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
Joined: 01/16/2013 - 17:30
Re: Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post,...


Positive comments: (HagenEx)

New Threads: (New members cant post pics or links so I removed some of the links and at the end of the topic put the website without the dots (.) (New members cant post pics or links so I removed some of the links and at the end of the topic put the website without the dots (.) (New members cant post pics or links so I removed some of the links and at the end of the topic put the website without the dots (.) (New members cant post pics or links so I removed some of the links and at the end of the topic put the website without the dots (.) (New members cant post pics or links so I removed some of the links and at the end of the topic put the website without the dots (.) (was duplicated for some reason) (Has some stupid ads all around the site/posts but it's a decent community for all kinds of games)

IG Name: Hrist
P.S.: You know what would be awesome? A promotion video event. Did you guys have one of those before? I think it would be better than these spam fests. Would you guys consider giving extra rewards for a video? I would be willing to make one showing Vanir's features.

Ignis's picture
Last seen: 3 days 15 hours ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: Forum Advertising Event, get rewarded with just a post,...

The rewards have been given.
Check it out on Giran Handy NPC.

Topic locked