
[FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

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Jana's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/01/2012 - 14:32
[FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Questions and Asnwers for new people who may wish to join the L2Vanir Community.

Q: How is the population?
A: The population is currently low.  350-500 people in game at a time.  While i admit this is low the server does still have activity and we are seeing new people join slowly on a daily basis.

Q: Is there an NPC buffer?
A: Yes, she gives prophet buffs + empower. Songs & dances for one hour.  Her name is Shiela, she is a Kamael & appears in all major cities but not the starter cities.

Q: Are there mana pots?
A: There are mana exliers with a long reuse the same as on the official servers.  Mobs also drop mana herbs at a high rate but there are no mana pots.

Q: Can i join a clan?
A: There are multiple clans currentl active.  Some do raids, some do epics, some do castle sieges.  you will need to investigate and message the right people according to what you are looking for.

Q: Do we need to do the subclass quest/noble quest?
A: Yes you will have to do these.  Normally by shouting you will find people online often to help you with the TOI bosses for the subclass quest.  It is generally fairly easy.  You will also need to do the noble quest.  As quest rewards are increased on this server it is also not very difficult.  Through donations you can also have fates whipser & mirmir's elixer automatically completed but not the noblesse quest.

Q: Do i need to donate to be competitive?
A: No, Donations on Vanir make some parts of the game easier but do not give you an advantage.  Things such as accessories, SA Crystals, Element stones and other useful items can be bought but these items can also be obtained in game with some effort.  Some of these same items can be received with event apigia.  These can be gained by doing Team VS Team in giran or GM events.

Q: Are there active admins & GM's?
A: There are currently both active GM's and an active Admin.  The server is stable and updates are constantly made.  If a bug is discovered the administration team is fiarly fast in resolving the issue.  Remember if a GM is not online in game you can always post issues on the forum in the with an explination and screen shot and the issue will be reviewed and resolved promptly.

Q: Castle Sieges? Territory Wars?
A: Both of the above happen every other weekend.  While castle seiges & Territory wars do occur we are always looking for more population to make them more fun.  I look forward to seeing new clans or players at each.  Some castles are taken while others still remain NPC held.

Q: Fortresses?
A: Fortresses are active and working.

Q: Clan skills?
A:  Working

Q: Epics?
A: Most epics & dragons are working correctly.  I know some are still being implimented and will come soon.  Some epics are also contested currently by different factions.  Come join the fun.

Q: In game store for high level gear.
A: There is an in game store npc in Giran, He sells A & S grade armor wepons & jewels.  For a grade you will need Golden coins, these coins drop from Champoin mobs which have a red glow around them at a chance. Again fairly easy to get.  Champion mobs are x10.  Please note that for S80 & S84 gear you will need to craft it or possibly have raids drop it :).  Not impossible but will take some effort.

Q: What are these medals i keep getting?
A: There is an ongoing medal event in game, you can trade the medals for prizes at an npc in giran.  You can also gabel golden medals to raise you level and buy new things.

Q: Do I need to make all the Class change Quests?
A: The quests are available if you really badly want to do them, however there is a cat NPC in every town that allows you to change class without the quests, for a small adena fee.

Feel free to ask any additional questions and i will add them to this Q&A.

If you are new & see me in game send me a message and maybe i will mail you a sign on adena bonus for joining l2Vanir.

Cya soon!

Wyrmsong's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 11/01/2012 - 18:45
Re: Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Hello Jana and thanks for making this FAQ.
Hopefully it will be helpfull for a lot of people :)

Another question that you could please add in the list is one I get asked frequently, about class change:
"Do I need to make all the Class change Quests?"
The quests are available if you really badly want to do them, however there is a cat NPC in every town that allows you to change class without the quests, for a small adena fee.

Ignis's picture
Last seen: 3 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Thanks a lot for your useful post Jana.
I moved it to Game Questions leaving a shadow copy in General and I added [FAQ] to the subject to be a little more clear.


EoA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: 07/16/2013 - 07:47
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Hi guys!

Just started playing here. Has the population increased any since the 'slowly increasing' post in January? 

Looks great so far :)


Ignis's picture
Last seen: 3 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 08/19/2012 - 01:37
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Yes, we are about 400~500 and the population is still slowly increasing :)

Best regards.

agah's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 07/31/2014 - 15:35
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

i have 1 question if everithing is ok here WHY GRACIA NOT WORKING i still cant collect red star stopnes FIX THIS PROBLEM

Judasz's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

400~500 80% of them are buffers.....

Rines's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 18:08
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

Hi Rodny,
I dont why you can´t collect red star stones. I have tested it today and it is functional. See screenshot it is with open map to know exact location.

gl Rines

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: [FAQ] Should you play on L2 Vanir?

LOL. Lovely comment from Zilko in Global during this screenshot...