
Concerning Cancel

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Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Concerning Cancel

What I have noticed from those last couple of siege/tw/mass pvp is that has become the battle of who has more cancel bots. You basically come into the fray and then - boom - buffs gone, you feel useless, pushing “to town” (or bsoe as another popular method), waiting for rebuffs or managing all the boxes again. This makes the time you have some actual pvp be equal to the period of time you have some decent buffs left till some cancel bot decides you are unworthy of having fun (10 seconds).

Due to the fact we have 1h buffs there would not ever be any chance of having an active bd/sws, leave along wc/pp/summoners (and let's be honest - the server is not exactly crowded with people). 

So what could be done about that is the buffs which got canceled are turning back to the poor victim in some fixed time (10-20 seconds). Say, some dirty bugger has stolen my dorf, ww, acumen, emp buffs - I would  get them back in those 10-20 seconds with the previous buff duration minus 10(20). In that way cancel would still be capable of shutting somebody down, but would not be the mass pvp destroyer it is now. 

P.S. This of cause should not be implemented for olys.
P.S.S. I think it would be best if stolen buffs would still be returned to the target, but would stay on the soulhound as well, since it could give a bit of tactical advantages (stolen noblesse blessing/emp echo etc.)

shamanking's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 22:37
Re: Concerning Cancel

I agree that cancel on this server is pvp destroyer ... but that change is absurd that you are askin Dodger ...

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Concerning Cancel

Why so? It is really quite a common practice on the servers without active support players. Could you please clarify why exactly do you think it is absurd?

shamanking's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 22:37
Re: Concerning Cancel

1st of all it will be hell of a hard to make ... even impossible... 2nd there is a way to prevent slh invasion .... make counter slh chars .... not only melee chars cuz they are just too OP with all those buffs ... so lets not try to change the server the way it will be easier fo us to play amd bear with the "minuses" it has and maybe change our gameplay. 95% of the suggestions that players make ate not to mak the server better but to make they gameplay and "life" easier .... which is too bad imo.
so yeah ... i think you get my point ...

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Concerning Cancel

Well, they could lower the chance from 100% porbability to steal 4 buffs to even 90%.  Hounds should not have a 100% success rate in stealing 4 buffs.

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Concerning Cancel

1st it is not hard to make at all, probably it can take some time though. Also as I have mentioned it is actually implemented on some other servers with increased buff duration and an npc buffer.

2nd Do you really want all of us to make a slh to "counter" all of yours. It will end up only slh player having buffs thus making it slh vs slh pvp, I can assure you this would be most boring.

3d This change would make nothing easier, it would just prolong the very duration of mass pvp on vanir. The idea is that on normal servers (I mean standard buff duration, no npc buff) a party would have some supports in it (including bd, sws, se/ee, and other enchanters) who would rebuff all the canceled buffs as soon as they notice someone lacking those (like 10-20 seconds). Since we don't have them supports this change i propose would basically do the same function as the supports. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE the buff system on vanir and wouldn't probably be playing here anymore unless we'd have this sweet 1h buff, but there is just some things I think might be done to improve it even further :)
Longer pvps would by no means make pvp easier, I feel like I’m playing piano every time I have a pvp and i fing love  that as well, so that should not be surprising that I want it to be longer and without unnecessary interruptions :p I was hoping you guys would share this thoughts of mine as well.

4th Loar, no, I don't think nerfing the cancel is the way out, it should still remain as a way to shut someone down, but it just shouldn't have this much lasting pvp-killing effect in my humble opinion.

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Concerning Cancel

Is the hounds 100% success rate only on Freya? No other server I have ever played on is 100%.

Dodger's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/09/2013 - 01:02
Re: Concerning Cancel

aye, it is 100% tha number of buffs stolen is random though. Mages' cancel is not 100% (those sorc/mm). But it is not the point.

Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Concerning Cancel

Baffsteal isnt 100% here, its 25% :F

Aka Starvation

loar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2013 - 22:29
Re: Concerning Cancel

It is 100% on our server.

Starva's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2012 - 19:49
Re: Concerning Cancel

nope, it isnt, ive made few topcis obut it, did many test, written it here
maybe Sekai fixed it lately, but it wasnt 100% when I played here

Aka Starvation
