
Lets bury the hatchet.

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Lithuenne's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 07/20/2013 - 20:37
Lets bury the hatchet.

I'll put this simple.

I am a forgiving person, I do not hold grudges against anyone for too long, because that impacts health. So here is my proposal. I would like to extend my sincere apologies for whatever harms i've done, or words i've said. No personal vendettas or anything (i don't recall i've ever done vendettas, though).
I do not like wars, like i have said, that is the least part of this game i like, and I do not generally enjoy killing. I serve in army, and frankly speaking, violence is not always the best way to solve things. I always try to solve things diplomatically. I play this game cause of the people, the stuff we do together, farm, prepare, work and enjoy all the things it provides. I do not know for what reason some people are so agressive towards me, but your experience of this game is what you want to see and make it, and what way you shape it. I avoid conflicts if possible, I do my own stuff, hopefully uninterupted. I have always respected my enemies, as long as they do the same to me. I always treat people the way they treat me. Treat me nice, and i'll be the nicest person you've met. This community is too small, to have bad blood in it, so accept this and write your own part in this deal. I get it, conflicts do happen, there are 6kkk + people on this earth, and as many different views and opinions. But we do have to coexist, and learn to accept that there are other traits of thinking and doing stuff than our own. I had my mistakes, and I can admitt them. But not so many ppl can do it. So, I Challenge everyone to write here.

VERCOSKUYU's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/15/2013 - 00:52
Re: Lets bury the hatchet.

Thats why im always unhappy, nice post Andis
